My journey

Once Upon a Time…

On a warm Friday, July 23, 1993, under the watchful gaze of the stars, a special child was born—Mothi Venkatesh. Named with affection, he was adored by his grandparents, later brought up by his dedicated mother, Yamuna, who saw greatness within him. His early days were filled with warmth, love, and curiosity as he explored the world around him. Yet, there was a twist to his childhood: his father, Parthasarathy, was a reserved figure who kept his distance, creating a mystique and a boundary that young Mothi felt but didn’t fully understand.

And Every Day…

Mothi navigated life as a bright but somewhat sheltered child, dutifully learning and memorizing lessons, more of a “pen drive” than a curious learner. His life was split between the language of his roots, Telugu, and the new world he was entering, where Tamil was spoken. With determination, and a little push from his mother, he learned the language and excelled in school, consistently topping his class. A few years later, he was joined by a little brother, Sudharsan, a spirited and agile companion who often clashed with him but was always loved deeply.

Until One Day…

As he approached his teenage years, a spark of rebellion ignited within him. No longer content with routine and rules, Mothi began to explore new paths—some of which led him to skip classes and lose interest in the structure that once guided him. His grades reflected this change, and his once-clear path forward became clouded with uncertainty. Yet, his family’s unwavering support remained strong, and they helped him join Thiagarajar College of Engineering, a place where his next chapter would unfold.

Because of That…

At college, Mothi found kindred spirits who shared his interests and fueled his passions. One of these friends, Aswin, introduced him to the world of blogging—a place where Mothi could share his ideas, learn about technology, and even try his hand at writing. Blogging began as a humble copy-and-paste project, but it quickly grew into something much more meaningful. Mothi experimented, honed his craft, and learned about the magic of SEO, which allowed his articles to be found by readers across the globe. His blog grew in popularity, reaching new heights that inspired him to take bolder steps.

Because of That…

As his blog thrived, Mothi encountered a pivotal moment: an offer to sell his blog for a sizable sum. It was a bittersweet decision, but he knew it was a way to give back to his parents, who had supported him through every step. With the sale, he gained more than just money; he gained the confidence that he could create and grow something from scratch—a realization that set the stage for his future career as an SEO Analyst. This new role allowed him to channel all he had learned and experiment further with the world of digital marketing.

Until Finally…

Today, Mothi stands as a storyteller, a creator, and a guide for others on their digital journeys. From the days of “blabbering” in a new language to becoming a respected SEO Analyst, Mothi’s journey is one of resilience, discovery, and the pursuit of passion. With every new project, he brings the same dedication he once gave to his blog, knowing that his journey is far from over and that the best chapters are yet to be written.

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